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Tuesday | 9:00 am | trending_flat | 10:00 am |
Tuesday | 10:00 am | trending_flat | 1:00 pm |
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Saturday | 1:00 pm | trending_flat | 3:00 pm |
playing the very best in Techno new and Old
dj'ing now for nearly 30 years - thats exactly 30 more than it should have been.He began annoying the aural cavaties of the local yoof down in the south of England - and then inexplicably was allowed to play records to paying adults. Many times. I then found his true calling at local illegal rave parties - getting arrested and told to shut the feck up by the local Police.I mix and scratch – I mix my tunes whilst scratching my bollocks. Who said men can’t multitask! I could never get the trigger finger going at the right time with scratching, coordination of moving the record and the crossfader at different speeds seemed impossible.
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